Tortolita Traverse Updates: A Wrap On Week 1

Week one of my Sky Island Traverse flew by in the blink of an eye! I hiked many miles, drank an incredible amount of water and had my mind blown over and over again. I took field notes and wrote in my journal. I captured about 4,000 photos and really experienced a lot.

Below you’ll find a few pages from my notebook that I keep while I am out backpacking. I try to write a bit each day and I’m working hard to keep my species list up to date. It’s not always easy for me, as I hate to unpack my backpack if I don’t absolutely have to; so I’ve been keeping my notebook at the top of my pack and trying to remember that this is important stuff! Writing these notes are more Type II fun for me than the backpacking is haha- the backpacking is just fun!

I took my first zero yesterday and am about to head back to the Tortolitas to continue my project and adventure. But I thought it would be a great thing to give you all a little peek into what I’m experiencing. I’ll try to share something like this every time I take a zero day. It feels good to catch up on this kind of stuff!

As you can see, I’ve been able to document a ton of wildlife, including a Gila monster! Well, two Gila monsters, actually. And Jon joined me one of the days last week to get some filming done for our documentary, although I haven’t added Human being to my species list ;)